In order to exploit the full possibilities of VOMS/LCMAPS the use of LDAP as a source of user account information is recommended. A site can do without by going through the following procedure: The new system can be made entirely compatible with the current poolaccount setup, but then one whould not be surprised that you get only reduced functionality. In effect, when a site * pre-allocates a set of poolaccounts for each and every VO, * pre-assigns the proper group to each (set of accounts), and * does not use very-fine-grained group-allocations within a VO for job execution separation they can get away without LDAP. For many sites, this will be OK. For example a sites supports the ATLAS, Alice and LHCb VO's, does not want to use LDAP, but does use VOMS. That sites can create three three groups and three sets of poolaccounts (say "lhcb001-lhcb050", etc.) and put each poolaccount into the proper group. Now, a grid-mapfile on a per-VO basis will look like "/VO=lhcb/GROUP=lhcb/*" .lhcb "/VO=atlas/GROUP=atlas/*" .atlas "/VO=alice/GROUP=alice/*" .alice and a groupmapfile: "/VO=lhcb/GROUP=lhcb/*" lhcb "/VO=atlas/GROUP=atlas/*" atlas "/VO=alice/GROUP=alice/*" alice Now, the acquired credentials will (as if by chance) map exactly on to the credentials already present in the user directory (be it files, or NIS), and so updating of those credentials is not needed. So that site in that config can do without the need for updating a central userDB (like LDAP). You can even do it a bit more fine-grained, adding an LHCb MC prod manager like this: "/VO=lhcb/GROUP=lhcb/mcprod .lhcbmc "/VO=lhcb/GROUP=lhcb/* .lhcb and a group-mapfile: "/VO=lhcb/GROUP=lhcb/mcprod prodmc "/VO=lhcb/GROUP=lhcb/* lhcb and assign (statically) in /etc/passwd: lhcbmb001:*:501:100:Blah:/home/lhcbmc001:/bin/bash lhcbmb002:*:502:100:Blah:/home/lhcbmc002:/bin/bash lhcbmb003:*:503:100:Blah:/home/lhcbmc003:/bin/bash lhcb001:*:601:100:Blah:/home/lhcb001:/bin/bash lhcb002:*:602:100:Blah:/home/lhcb002:/bin/bash and in /etc/group lhcb:*:100: prodmc:*:200:lhcbmc001,lhcbmc002,lhcbmc003 This will also do the job of ensuring that the mapping created for the fork job manager (in-process, using posix_enf) that is used for doing the "qsub" is the same as the one used on job execuation on a worker node. And of course, the obvious solution for those sites that want fine-grained authorization but do not want to use LDAP: buy a true MPP systems with all your processors seeing the same file systems and memory. Cray/SGI will be very happy ;-)