Grid Tutorial Groningen 2006

NIKHEF, the university of Groningen and SARA are jointly organizing a GRID tutorial, which will take place on 18 and 19 September 2006 in the computing center of the University of Groningen (the Zernikeborg).

The main focus of the tutorial will be on getting access to the Dutch Grid Facilities (part of the European EGEE GRID see, and getting acquainted with the EGEE middleware called gLite. During the tutorial, participants can obtain certificates to get access to the GRID. It is important to note that a participant who wants to obtain a certificate should be able to show a passport or driving license!

The tutorial is a hands-on tutorial: the participants will be able to play with toy example programs in practical exercise sessions. However, they are strongly encouraged to take their own (small to medium size) codes with them, that are capable to run on Linux IA32 architectures, and try to port these to the grid.

The number of participants is limited to 30 people. There is no registration fee. Please register for the tutorial here. Registration closes 10 September, 24:00 am.

The Grid Tutorial is gratiously hosted by RC RUG. The event is sponsored by Gridforum Nederland (

WhenMonday 18th and Tuesday 19th September, 2006
TimeMonday 1000 hrs (morning) till Tuesday 1700 hrs
WhereGroningen, NL
Registrationhas closed

Meeting place details will be posted here and to the mailing list as they become available.

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