[Go to Home] DutchGrid Configuration
Globus 2.0
Globus 1.1.x

Configuring the local globus system for DutchGrid

Adding your system to the DutchGrid consists of the following steps (for Globus 1.1.3 and its derivates):
  • Compile and install Globus:
    • If you plan to run Globus 1.1.3, 1.1.4 or one of the gsi-alpha version of 1.1.3, look here for installation instructions.
    • If you want to install Globus-2.0 with the EDG patches (for flexible authorization support, leased accounts, etc.), see the install guide for DAS2 systems.
  • Directing GIIS registration to "giishost.nikhef.nl" on port 30001 (only for 1.1.3 derivatives)
  • Setting up your grid security config to contact "ca@nikhef.nl"
  • and making the user and host base DN conforming to DutchGrid CA policy standards
  • Possibly patching $GLOBUS_INSTALL_PATH/etc/grid-security.conf for a typo
  • Setting up the "share/certificates" directory in both the instllation and in all deploy directories
You have to perform these steps before you start deploying Globus on individual machines. Also, before you start your globus daemons, please contact gridadm@nikhef.nl to get permission to register to the DutchGrid GIIS host.

Directing GIIS registration

Modify the file $GLOBUS_INSTALL_PATH/etc/grid-info.conf such that the top part reads:
# These values are  set by globus-setup

Where YOUR_ORGNAME is something like "amolf", "knmi", "telin", etc.

Setting up your grid security

In $GLOBUS_INSTALL_PATH/etc/grid-security.conf, modify the top part to:
# These values are set by globus-setup
SETUP_GSI_USER_BASE_DN="o=YOUR_ORG_NAME, o=users, o=dutchgrid"
SETUP_GSI_CA_NAME="NIKHEF medium-security X.509 CA"
and look at the bottom of the script for the line reading:
# CA Email address for the organization
and make sure that the second variable name (SETUP_GSI_CA_EMAIL_ADDR) indeed is spelled exectly as shown, including the "_CA_"!

YOUR_ORG_DNS_DOMAINNAME: someting like nikhef.nl, wins.uva.nl, etc.
YOUR_ORG_NAME: for example nikhef, amolf, ...

Setting up the "share/certificates" directory

The script provided on the DutchGrid website as GetCerts-20010612 can be used to automatically install and configure the share/certificates direcotry for use with all DataGrid CA's. You can run it nightly from cron, as specified in the documentation.

To initialize your directory, run:

    perl ./getcerts.pl --certdir $GLOBUS_INSTALL_PATH/share/certificates \
         --config ./certs.cf --now
Please verify all ca certs by comparing them to the ones at the original web sites and to marianne.in2p3.fr (the DataGrid WP6 site). You can re-obtain the cert of a specific CA by using the "--reloadcerts" option.

My crontab script reads:

perl $HOME/bin/getcerts.pl \
        --certdir       /global/globus/share/certificates \
        --config        /user/gridadm/bin/certs.cf
And at NIKHEF, all machines share the same certificates directory by having $DEPLOY_DIR/share/certificates being a symlink to the install certificates directory (being "/global/globus/share/certificates").


For use on DutchGrid, you will need a certificate (a electronic file containing a digitally signed copy of the public key pertaining to your keypair) signed by a DataGrid CA. And if you are based in the Netherlands, the DutchGrid/NIKHEF CA should be contacted. Provided you configured Globus as detailed above, the grid-cert-request program will suggest mailing your certificate request to "ca@nikhef.nl". You can also use the build-a-request form on the DutchGrid CA web.
Do not mail your request to ca@globus.org, since Globus certs will not be valid on the EU-DataGrid! See the DutchGrid CA site for the signing policy and procedures. ... And protect your private key at all times!

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Send me a mail with your host name(s). If you have any specific news to announce on the "Hot News" page, you can mail it to that address as well.
Comments to David Groep