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EDG Globus-2.0
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Globus 1.1.x Distribution
EDG Globus repository

Hints & Tips
GridFTP for FNAL
GridCVS install
GSIssh install

Multi-domain GIIS in 1.1.x
MDS response times


Installing Globus 2.0 from the EDG 1.2 stable release

The best thing to do of course is to install a true EU DataGrid system. All the packages can reasily be obtained from the Test Bed web server and from the CVS repository (for configuration data). The latest EDG release is 1.2.2.

If you are sure you only want the Globus Toolkit and the significant patches EDG made to the distribution, you should get the latest set of RPMs from the EDG package repository at datagrid.in2p3.fr. In particular, get all the RPMs from the following locations:

You will now have to select the proper list of RPMs to install. This depends on the function you want this system to have, like Computing element, Storage, UserInterface, etc. A small set of RPMs is common to all Grid-enabled systems: the Grid Security Infrastructure or GSI.

Security and Certification Authorities
To get the GSI to work with other systems on the (EDG) Grid:

Basic: Decide on node function and select the RPM list
The full configuration files can be obtained from the EDG CVS web at IN2P3. These lists provide a useful subset of the functionality, and will probably install OK on a RedHat 7+ system (untested). Note that you cannot use the full SE and CE functionality at the same time on the same machine, due to threading differences (for the core GT tools it's OK).

The most noticable thing missing are:

  • GDMP - please use the "edg-replica-manager"
  • RGMA - will be fully deployed in release 2.0
  • all Java XML/Spitfire support - still need to resolve the RedHat 7+ dependency problems
  • the PBS RPM from ComputeElement are missing
  • we do NOT install the wicked CERN-HEP-only special gcc-compiler
  • GridFTP commandline client - we added the globus_gsincftp RPM for the UI
Download the basic lists You may need one or more of the RPMs from this list:

Full Install
Setup the LCFG server (HTTP for XML profiles, dhcpd, tftpd) using the RPMs from the WP4 install repository. Install these setvices, and install all the LCFG server-side RPMS:

Modify the http config file or DocTree so that the URL root is at /var/obj/conf/profile/web. Make the dhcpd.conf look a bit like this example. Do not forget to make the boot disk.

Now, download all RPMs from the repository, using the createRepository.sh script. The directory you get, with all RPMs etc. must be NFS exported and visible on all LCFG clients. Also, the RPM lists must be on this filesystem (although you may make a symlink to it from inside the /var/obj/conf/ directory on the LCFG server). You specify the location of the RPM repository in the "update.rpmcfgdir" and "update.rpmdir" resources in the LCFG client profiles.

Obtain the edg-release files from CVS. Anonymous access is via SSH2 on datagrid.in2p3.fr:2222 (user: anoncvs). Set CVSROOT to anoncvs@datagrid.in2p3.fr:/cvs. The "edg-release" contains the rpmlists and the LCFG profiles. See the web for the latest 1.2.2 tag.

Modify whatever suits your needs in site-cfg.h.

Running services
If you are running Grid services on your system, like a Gatekeeper or a GridFTP server, you need to apply for "certificates". In the Netherlands, go to the DutchGrid CA and ask for "medium-security" certification (for EDG applications). If you have never had in-person contact with the DutchGrid Support Desk before, please allow some time for us to get into personal contact with you to do the strong authentication required.

Install the certificate and key data on your service machines. If you regularly install these (e.g., using LCFG) you will want to keep a safe copy of key and certs on another medium!

Installation and configuration
If you have used LCFG to install the stuff, you're ready. Otherwise, read on ...

Once you have installed all RPMs successfully, you will need to configure various files on the new system. Although the RPM lists are no longer current, a good install and configuration guide is available as part of the DAS-2 system information: Installing Globus and EDG services on DAS2. For more information regarding the EDG services, see the testbed guide on the WP6 pages.

Comments to David Groep