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How to write VL Docs

How to enter your Abstract Machine documents in CVS

The CVS module vlam/doc can be used to store documents, technical reports and papers abount VLAM-G. Both general overview papers as well as abstract machine papes are welcome here. By following a few basic conventions, the document entered in the CVS tree can be automatically used from the VLAM-G website at http://vlabwww.nikhef.nl/VLAM-G/. The CVS root for this repository is :pserver:yourname@kilogram.nikhef.nl:/global/ices/vlab/cvs.

Follow these steps to get a conforming document:

  1. create a separate directory for your paper, that includes all files pertaining to your document (including figures and possible bibliographic references).
  2. add this directory to the CVS repository, somewhere below vlam/doc/....
  3. Add a Makefile to this directory, that contains at least a "targets" target. When make, this target should echo a list of valid targets for the makefile, preceeded by the string @@@DocumentTargets:, like in:
    @@@DocumentTargets: pdf ps tgz
  4. Add suitable targets to your makefile. Every target should output (when successful) two ID strings:
    @@@DocumentType:a valid MIME type for the resulting file
    @@@DocumentName:the filename of the document to be sent to the requestor
    An example:
    @@@DocumentType: application/postscript
    @@@DocumentName: paperVlAmHPCN2001.ps
  5. Add a file $(DOC).desc to your directory, that contains a description or abstract of your document. It will be included in the document overview page, so you can use any valid HTML markup here.
  6. You can also add a file $(DOC).access to this directory. This file should contain a list of host wildcards (regex-style), followed by one keyword "ALLOW" or "DENY". For example file vl-overview-20010508.access:
    triode.nikhef.nl DENY
    .nikhef.nl ALLOW
    .wins.uva.nl ALLOW
    .* DENY
Your makefile will always be called with the DOC variable set to the basename of the requested document (i.e. to the value of the docname attribute). An example of a Makefile that includes automatic graphics processing can be found here. Note that this makefile only works properly if you use \includegrapics commands and do not use extentions at the end of your image file name.

To see how it works, get the HPCN 2001 paper with the getdoc.pl script. The URL is: http://vlabwww.nikhef.nl/cgi-bin/getdoc.pl?cvs=vl;docroot=vlam/doc/papers/HPCN2001;docname=paperVlHPCN.

A note of caution: the DocumentLive tree is not acutally `live', but updated nightly at 6:19AM. If you add a document to the CVS repository, please wait at least one light before complaining about lack of visibility. It will only be indexed on the Live page if you add a description file to your document using the proper conventions. Of coarse, the document can always be retreived directly using the getdoc.pl cgi script.

Comments to David Groep