"Grid Tutorial 2008", owner=>"Jan Just Keijser", email=>"janjust@nikhef.nl", footer=>"Comments to Jan Just Keijser.")); ?>
The main focus of the tutorial will be on getting access to the Dutch Grid Facilities (part of the European EGEE GRID see http://www.eu-egee.org) and getting acquainted with the EGEE middleware called gLite. During the tutorial, participants will obtain certificates that give access to the GRID. It is important to note that a participant who wants to obtain a certificate should be able to show a passport or driving license!
The tutorial is a hands-on tutorial: the participants will be able to play with toy example programs in practical exercise sessions.
The number of participants is limited to 32 people. There is no registration fee. Please register for the tutorial here. Registration closes 31 October, 24:00 am.
When | Thursday 13 and Friday 14 November, 2008 |
Time | 0930 hrs (morning) till 1700 hrs |
Where | SURFnet, Radboudkwartier 273, 3511 CK Utrecht |
Registration | has closed |
More details will be posted here and to the mailing list as they become available.